Disco Diva
Reasons to book Disco Diva
1. Mainly plays requests - gives guests cards and pens on the night.
2. All Dancers get a glow bracelet!
3. Has all the necessary legal requirements ie pat cert; PLI insurance
4. Always arrives at least 30 mins before required set up time.
5. Doesn't charge extra until after 12pm.
6. Always carries prizes for all occasions (should the need arise)!
7. Keep the volume at suitable levels so people can still talk.
8. Has a digital music library with thousands of songs from the 40's to the latest top 40!
9. Discounts available for mid week events
10. Has unique ability to 'read the audience'
11. Children's parties catered for with games, prizes, balloon modelling and face painting!
12. Can provide event decor with chair cover hire and balloon displays.
13. Always carries a back up amp and speakers.
Professional service, which is run as a business with over 5 years of experience.
Call now for a quote!
Hayley Freeman x
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This page was last updated: 04 March 2014